A pleasant surprise!
Pour Liisa amitié A. Villers
After a decade,
there was a surprise waiting for me; a stack of photographs from the last
In 1995 I
took part in a group exhibition called Estradi organized by Galerie Kaj
Forsblom in Helsinki. On the opening day, an older man came to introduce
himself and asked if he would photograph me in front of my paintings displayed
at the exhibition. He explained that he had photographed several artists
before. Since I often feel embarrassed when attention is directed at me and
feel especially self-conscious
when being photographed, I had to consider the proposal for a while but ended
up accepting the offer. I still
remember vividly how unsure I was when placed
to be photographed. We agreed that he would send prints to me later. After a while I had already forgotten about
the incident. I thought that
the negatives might had been gotten buried in his studio and the whole thing
had been forgotten.
A few weeks
ago, Kaj Forsblom called me and started the call by saying: “Liisa, you will
not believe what I’m about to tell you. Do you remember when André Villers
photographed you 22 years ago? A stack of prints is at the gallery now. Come
and get it.” The prints had arrived to Helsinki already once in 1995 but had
been reverted to the sender. The recipient had not been reached. Now, after
several years, the son of André Villers had found the photographs from the
studio of his deceased father and had contacted Galerie Forsblom.
Now I have
eight black and white prints, some of them signed by André Villers as a proof
of an occasion where two strangers met for a moment. Among the photographs were a charming greeting and an acknowledgement from 1995.
In our
home, there is a picture of Picasso also photographed by André Villers. In the
photograph Picasso is standing in a doorway stretching his arm towards the
viewer. Also, a kind of invitation to interaction. In addition to the several
pictures taken of Picasso, Vallers had also photographed Corbusier, Fernard Leger
and Dali to name a few. And since then, also me!
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